Spring updates for WBIF factsheets
Overviews by WBIF sector, transport corridor and bilateral donor-funded projects are now available.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
'WBIF projects are changing the quality of life in Kosovo. The water supply and district heating have provided Pristina with 24/7 water and lower bills. The Railway Route 10 and Pristina - Merdare Highway will integrate Kosovo into main transport networks.'
Since 2009, the WBIF has supported estimated investments of €2 billion in the public sector in Kosovo.
Kosovo has benefited from 52 grants worth €298.9 million in technical assistance and investment co-financing. The EU IPA grant support channelled through the WBIF accounts for €285 million and covers both technical assistance and investment works. Other donors have contributed €13.9 million as well.
Investment grants: €253.6m
Technical assistance: €45.3m
WBIF grants
Sustainable transport
Clean energy
Environment & climate
Human capital
Digital future
Private sector competitiveness
Breakdown of support provided below
2009 – 2022
2023 – 2030
Overviews by WBIF sector, transport corridor and bilateral donor-funded projects are now available.
Today, the European Commission has unveiled a substantial €3.2 billion investment package to support 21 transp...
The European Union through the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) funds the Technical Assistance (TA)...
Flagship investments endorsed under the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, July 2024.
Peace Highway: Niš - Merdare - Pristina