Regional Study on Voltage Regulation in the Western Balkans

Regional Study on Voltage Regulation in the Western Balkans

Project Description

Overvoltage in steady-state regime is a critical occurrence in electricity transmission systems across the Western Balkans. Its results are the rapid aging of equipment, supply disruptions, and large economic costs.

As a first step in ensuring high reliability and operational security in transmission systems in all six beneficiary countries, a €1 million EU grant was allocated by the WBIF in June 2017 for the purpose of preparing a feasibility study for voltage regulation and reactive power compensation in the existing network and for future grids planned in the next 5 to 10 years.


WBIF Technical Assistance for Improvement of Electricity Transmission Networks in the Western Balkans

Project Financing

WBIF Grant WB17-REG-ENE-01 € 1,005,000
Total € 1,005,000
Total Grants € 1,005,000
Total Loans € 0

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners