Regional Study on Renewable Energy Potential and Energy Efficiency in the Western Balkans

Regional Study on Renewable Energy Potential and Energy Efficiency in the Western Balkans

Project Description

In order to unlock the potential of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Western Balkans region, DG NEAR/DG ENERGY have commissioned the “Regional study of Renewable Energy potential and Energy Efficiency in the Western Balkans”. The purpose of the Study was to collect relevant data necessary for undertaking an in-depth study of techno-economic options on energy efficiency and renewable energy in WB6. In the renewable energy sector, the information contributed to a subsequent study developed by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) under the REmap programme.

IRENA’s REmap programme assesses the potential, costs and benefits of renewables beyond any existing national targets and plans of countries at a sector level. REmap firstly collects data from governments about their national plans to produce a baseline (Reference Case). Then, REmap assesses the potential, costs, and benefits of accelerated renewables deployment, the so-called REmap Options, which represent the realistic potential of renewables beyond the Reference Case.

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