Kosovo, Mitrovica and Gjilan Wastewater Treatment Plants: Tender Dossier, PIU Support

Kosovo, Mitrovica and Gjilan Wastewater Treatment Plants: Tender Dossier, PIU Support

Project Description

Municipalities of Gjilan and Mitrovica lack wastewater treatment plants; subsequently, the untreated raw sewage and industrial waste in both municipalities have been discharged in multiple locations, thus contaminating four rivers that run through Mitrovica and three in Gjilan.

With the support of WBIF, feasibility studies for these two municipalities were prepared in 2013 and 2015. The studies have identified the need for wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in both municipalities, sewerage improvements, unification of the sewer systems, and their expansion to under or unserved neighbouring settlements.

In 2018, WBIF allocated another €1.35 million grant to provide implementation support to the project implementation units (PIUs in Mitrovica and Gjilan) to bring the investments to full maturity, prepare tender documents, conduct the tendering procedure, and cover other aspects relevant to the implementation of investments.

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners