Construction and Rehabilitation of Infrastructure in the Healthcare Sector in Kosovo

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Project Financing

WBIF Grant WB21-KOS-SOC-01 € 1,005,000
EIB Loan € 14,000,000
CEB Loan € 14,000,000
Total € 29,005,000
Total Grants € 1,005,000
Total Loans € 28,000,000

Project Description

Health services in Kosovo are provided through a network of health institutions organized into three levels: primary (PHC), secondary (SHC) and tertiary (THC). Secondary and tertiary healthcare is provided through the institutions established under the Law on Health, within which included a hospital, outpatient, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation services, emergency transportation, dental care and regional public health services.

The system of healthcare in Kosovo is established under the principle that it shall be accessible to all citizens from all communities. The law guarantees full access to the healthcare at all levels and to all citizens including easy access to health care for disadvantaged groups (persons with disabilities and vulnerable groups). However, in practice, the existing health facilities of all levels fulfil only around 24% (MoH, 2017) of primary conditions for access to disabled groups. All regional hospitals, including UCCK, are in a very unenviable state in this aspect.

This project aims to improve infrastructure concerning aspects like the physical conditions of institutions, the need for a specialized institution for treating patients in their last terminal stage of the disease, providing a hospice or respite care facility, stationary institutions, etc. in order to offer Kosovo citizens necessary health services that fulfil the basic criteria regulated by the Kosovo legislation.

Results and Benefits

  • 20 new and/or refurbished health facilities
  • 1 new hospice centre
  • number of inpatients up from 245,000 to 300,000
  • number of outpatient consultations reaching 1,000,000, up from 877,000
  • 1,300,000 mil total number of beneficiaries, increased from 900,000
  • Countries: Kosovo*
  • Code: PRJ-KOS-SOC-005
  • Sector: Social
  • Lead IFI: EIB
  • Status: Preparation
  • Beneficiary:
Project financing split

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners